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Maximum backup value. Minimum cost. Zero disruption.
Automatic, continuous and encrypted. We’ve taken our industry-leading data backup service and optimized it for small businesses. You won’t find a more cost-effective business backup solution than Carbonite. But Carbonite’s low price is just one way it saves money and adds value to your business, every working day.
The best deal in backup, hands-down Unlike our competitors, Carbonite doesn’t charge per-computer fees. You pay a fixed annual price based on the storage you need – resulting in one of the lowest per-gigabyte storage prices of any online business backup solution.
Never interrupts your business With Carbonite, your backup happens automatically, in the background. Users never have to stop working, and after the initial backup, shouldn't notice any impact on performance. And no one has to choose between backing up and doing their jobs.
No hardware required Carbonite is 100% software-based backup – there’s no hardware to install or maintain, no wires to connect, no disks or tapes to deal with, no technician needed. You simply install the software and Carbonite takes care of the rest.
Safer than local backups Your backup is encrypted at all times, and stored on redundant disk arrays that are immeasurably more reliable than internal or external hard drives. (If you have external hard drives you can back them up with Carbonite Business, too.) Our state-of-the-art, guarded data centers protect your business backup from theft, fire, water damage and anything else that can happen at your office.
Smarter than scheduled backups Carbonite backs up your data continually, updating your backup in the background – eliminating the potentially costly ‘backup gaps’ created by daily or weekly backups.
Restores files fast to minimize downtime If you lose a file, get it back with a few clicks. If your hard drive crashes, restore all your backed up files to another computer via – or, for mission-critical recovery, have your backed up files shipped to you on a portable hard drive.
Anytime, anywhere access to backed up files With Anytime, Anywhere Access, you can open, view and share any file in your backup from any computer connected to the Internet. Or use one of our free mobile apps to access your files from your iPhone®, iPad®, Android™ or BlackBerry® device.
Backs you up with world-class support When you’ve lost files, you want fast, responsive help. Our US-based support team is available to all Carbonite Business customers by email, chat, or phone – 7 days a week from 8 a.m. to midnight Eastern Time.
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